Farewell for Now Hollywood
You may ask yourself why? Why are we leaving Hollywood when there is still a lot to do? Why haven’t I talked about LACE, The Hollywood Museum, or Madame Tussaud’s? Why did I skip over the historic Cineramadome? And why haven’t I talked about the double-decker tour busses?
It is true, there is still so much of Hollywood to learn about and experience. The truth is that I never intended to dedicate so much time to this place, but like most neighborhoods in L.A., they reveal themselves like layers of an onion. The real reason I leave this neighborhood now is that there is so much more of Los Angeles to see and do. Maybe you, like me, just want me to get on with it. It could be that you never wanted to go to this neighborhood in the first place. It might have crossed your mind that I was secretly being paid by the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce. (I am not)
I sincerely hope that these last few months of posts have given you another view of Hollywood. I hope now you see it as more than a tourist only zone. You can time travel, get some exercise, and get a bite to eat.
I hope you stay awhile and enjoy this area before jumping in the car and heading for the next touristy place.
So, for now, we move away from the area of noise and world attention. I will find other ways to work you into this blog Hollywood, but it is so long for now. It’s not you, it’s me.
Next up…the best way to jump around L.A. is to show you how I build itineraries.
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