My experience with a psychic in L.A.
Sometimes finding your place in Los Angeles is a long and arduous journey. Finding your “people” can take a lot of patience and a really good social sherpa. There was a time in my life when I didn’t feel so certain about being in Los Angeles. I got knocked down a bit in my fifth year of living here. A series of situations left me a little lost. I was visibly having a hard time, and a friend of mine suggested that I see a psychic. Having decided to write a blog about Los Angeles by this point, I thought either this would help me figure things out or be a great story I could use later down the line. Here is the story of my experience with a psychic in L.A.
Table of Contents
Never have I ever
My knowledge of psychics was relegated to television shows and the late-night Miss Cleo commercials in the late 1990s. I felt more like psychics were working a con instead of having real abilities to predict the future. I have had run-ins with a psychic or two in L.A. before. Enterprising people who wanted to convince me to come and have a reading. One went as far as stopping me on the street because she could feel my psychic energy.
There are psychics in every neighborhood in Los Angeles. Those late-night blinking lights from living room windows hoping to answer questions about love and money.
My first experience with a psychic in L.A. brought me to Altadena, a place I had never been to before.

I arrived early for my reading and sat admiring her beautiful craftsman home from the waiting area/gift shop. She was running late for our appointment and peeked out to let me know. To have something to do while I waited, she asked me to pick out a gem or stone from anywhere in the room as a gift. The stone would say something about me that she could expound upon during our session. Being skeptical I didn’t spend a whole lot of time searching. Picking from the first table in front of me, I chose a stone that was both smooth and pockmarked that felt good in my hand. I ran my fingers over and over the divots, a precursor to a fidget spinner, as I was feeling a little overwhelmed by nerves at the time.
As we walked into her kitchen for the reading, she asked me to give her the stone.
“Fluorite,” she said. “This stone is for help focusing. I want you to put it in your pocket or somewhere close to your body until you feel like you don’t need it anymore.”
I was a little taken aback. This thing that I so carelessly grabbed because I was skeptical, ended up representing the thing I most needed at that point. Focus. I came into the session overwhelmed by a situation regarding a roommate who was going to leave me high and dry with rent. Should I stay in L.A., or should I go? Get a new roommate? Leave L.A. altogether?
We sat at her diner-style kitchen table. She asked me to write down a couple of questions to concentrate on during the session. The other side of the banquette was far enough away that she couldn’t see what I was writing. We sat there in silence for a few minutes, me concentrating on those questions. Then she began a flurry of writing, page after page of bright orange copy paper being filled and flipped over. After a deep breath, she began to tell me what was going on with me and what was going to happen next.
The true and the false
True: I feel grounded in nature.
I chose Los Angeles for this reason. There are a lot of opportunities to get out in nature. Whether it be close by, like Leo Carrillo State Beach, or a two-hour drive to the mountains or the desert. Not having access to nature within a short drive is one of the reasons I never entertained the idea of moving to New York. (Central Park has too many people)
My psychic advised me to find a place in nature and soak myself in it when I feel too overwhelmed. This would be a reset button for me.
True: I would meet a man, and we would move closer to the ocean.
This is true. I did meet someone three years after my reading, and we live closer to the ocean. Enough to feel its breezes, but we do not have an ocean view.
False: I am a lover of animals.
I am allergic to cats and feel like animals don’t fit into the traveling lifestyle I want(ed) for myself. Sorry animal lovers, don’t hate me.
False: You will meet your future husband at a concert or music venue.
Many times over the psychic told me that music was very important in my life. That is very true. Music is so important to me. There is always a song stuck in my head. A lot of my memories are tied to songs. I make playlists for almost any occasion. Whether I want some mellow desk music to write and concentrate. I have playlists for dancing around my house, or that pay homage to a bar I like and the music they listen to there. My playlists are always specific.
After the reading with the psychic (in L.A.)
After the reading, I tried to go to concerts as much as I could. The thought of meeting someone in the wilds of Los Angeles was so appealing. Starting a relationship with something in common is what I wanted.
It never happened, though. I am too shy to go up to someone and be like, “Oh, you like Austra, I like Austra too.” Obvs, because we are both at this concert.
In the end, I found my husband online, and I contacted him. We bonded over food.
The best advice I received
She told me I needed to live alone and closer to the ocean. After the reading, I did decide to live alone after the lease was up with a new roommate. I ended up moving to Koreatown because that was what I could afford. The apartment I moved to was in the building where Summer Finn “lived” in the movie (500) Days of Summer. I learned a lot about myself and what I was willing to take from people during that time living alone. This was the best advice I received.
My reading in summary
In the end, it felt more like what I imagined a session with a life coach would be like. I came in overwhelmed with possibilities, unable to focus on one path. Should I stay in Los Angeles, or should I give up and leave? Do I try to find another roommate and let others control my living situation, or do I live on my own? Was I going to be forever alone and choose the wrong partner again and again?
Did I leave a convert and have a psychic on speed dial? No. I took what she said with a grain of salt. At the end of our session, she had me shuffle through a deck of tarot cards and choose three cards. Instead of her letting me know what they meant for my life, she had me find them in the book and read them myself, which I didn’t think was very helpful.
In the end, my experience with a psychic in L.A. helped me to feel less overwhelmed. It was exactly what I needed at the time and led me to where I am today. Still in Los Angeles, living closer to the ocean, with a man I met on OkCupid, writing this love letter to my city.

[Featured photo by Alina Vichenko for Pexels]
Next up on This Ugly Beautiful City is another favorite place that is really hard to explain.
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Comments (2)
September 16, 2020 at 9:44 am
I actually do read tarot cards and it’s hard to get every detail right but it’s still amazing when you get a few details right and the other person is amazed. If you are interested, I love collecting crystals and understanding their different meanings.
My Day at The Integratron – This Ugly Beautiful City
November 27, 2022 at 6:25 pm
[…] season. If you are feeling the season too, here is a post about a cemetery, a time I got my fortune told, and a woman dressed as Marilyn […]