light road dawn landscape

Montana, the unfamiliar

This post is a placeholder for the future. 

By this point, I would have revisited Montana Avenue, wandered its streets, tasted its food, and reported it all back to you. With the lockdowns and reopenings, then increase in COVID cases, the type of research I do in neighborhoods has been impossible to do. I miss being able to sit in a place and take in all the sights, sounds, tastes, and sounds with telling you about it in mind.

Until I can do that deep dive into this neighborhood, this post will be here waiting. 

If you love this neighborhood and would love to write about your perfect day on Montana Avenue, please reach out to me. I can honestly say that I am not an expert in the 88 cities and 140 neighborhoods in Los Angeles. I am trying really hard though.

Want an update on when my deep dive into the Montana neighborhood of Santa Monica is up on the blog? Subscribe to my newsletter.

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