colorful background with glowing stripes of rainbow

Los Angeles neighborhood name generator

I thought this would be a great time to pause before I move on to talk about westside neighborhood names. This is the area of the city where it starts to get confusing. Why is it so confusing? Because these neighborhoods between Venice, Culver City, LAX, and West Los Angeles have very similar names and they also blur into each other. It is almost like there was a Los Angeles neighborhood name generator that got stuck on the same few words. 

The words and articles

Being inspired by the previous inhabitants of Los Angeles, housing developers and city planners borrowed words to make this area seem more worldly and perhaps a little mysterious.

The words are







The neighborhoods/cities

If you put these names in the Los Angeles neighborhood name generator you get the following real west side neighborhoods.

Marina del Rey-The king’s seascape

Playa del Rey-The king’s beach

Playa Vista-Beach view

Del Rey Vista-the king’s view

Del Rey-the king or the king’s

Mar Vista-Sea view (Subject of my next post)

So put those words in a hat and make your own Los Angeles neighborhood. Perhaps Vista del Playa? Or Rey Vista? Have fun with it.

I post Los Angeles randomness sometimes. If you like this one, check out my post on how to speak Angeleno called Where The Happy People Live.  (See below) Or the time I saw Marilyn Monroe in Hollywood.

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