Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed pellentesque nibh enim, quis euismod enim lacinia nec. Phasellus quam diam, semper in erat eu, efficitur molestie purus. Sed a elementum mi. Sed interdum mattis risus, sit amet eleifend ligula luctus ut. Sed ullamcorper lorem aliquam, tincidunt lorem et, ultrices est. Suspendisse eleifend dui odio, id volutpat quam iaculis eu. Nunc sit amet scelerisque mauris. Phasellus volutpat mauris ac sem tincidunt,…
How to explore Los Angeles from home: Week 3
I am starting my fifth week of #saferathome. My third week in showing you how you can explore Los Angeles from home. It has felt long and short at the same time. It feels eerily quiet, except for the sound of sirens and this songbird…
Explore Los Angeles from Home: Week 2
Continuing on with my series on how to explore Los Angeles from home, I bring you seven ways to see my favorite city from your couch. It is hard to find positives right now, but if I can list one, it is increased access to…
Los Feliz 101: Things to do in Los Feliz
Although Los Feliz is close to Hollywood, it couldn’t be more different. Los Feliz is less crowded and more residential, with a main street feel with tons of small and artistic businesses. The concentration of things to do in this neighborhood dot the parallel boulevards of…
Award Ceremony Itinerary: Movie Premieres and Costumes
Today I continue on with my recommendations for things to do in Los Angeles for Awards Season. If you are in town for Oscar weekend or coming to L.A. for fashion and film, I have a lot of ideas for you. In this post, I…
Hollywood: Hidden Doors Part II
Welcome to my second installment of Hidden Doors. In this series, I will be your guide to speakeasies hiding a stone’s throw from the most touristy areas of Hollywood. If you missed my first Hidden Doors installment about the Magic Castle, click here. In this…
Old Hollywood Bonus Features: The oldest restaurant in Hollywood
This next location is famous, although you might only recognize it from movies or television shows. You might have read about its interior described in books by authors like F. Scott Fitzgerald or Charles Bukowski. If either author were to look at Los Angeles today,…
Hollywood Bonus Features: Time travel
So you have done Hollywood 101; maybe you have done it a million times. Once you have walked the Walk of Fame and marveled at the footprints in cement in front of Grauman’s Chinese Theater, you do not need to write off Hollywood completely. You…